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Custom Interval Playlists Playlists
The Process
  1. Give your Power Hour a title on the "title" tab.
  2. Decide whether you want your Power Hour available for the public to play (they can't edit your Power Hour). Making it public will add your Power Hour to our public library of Power Hours!
  3. Add up to three genres that describe your Power Hour playlist the most!
  4. Search for your YouTube playlist on the "add tracks" tab. Once you find your playlist, click "Add all Tracks" button that will appear next to the playlist thumbnail.
  5. Set each track's start time on the "Playlist" tab. Click "Start Time" button every time you change the start time of a video. Delete tracks as you need.
  6. Click and drag to set the playlist order of the Power Hour in the "Order" tab. When playing your Power Hour, you can choose shuffle in the set-up settings if you want.
  7. See more about YouTube playlists below:

After you have all the songs you would like in your YouTube playlist, you can use our custom power hour playlist tool in order to set starting times for the songs and their order. You need to register to use this tool. You'll need your YouTube playlist's ID to get all the data to the Power Hour Project. Make sure your playlist is PUBLIC or else YouTube won't let us request the data!

Playlist ID

The playlist ID can be found in the URL of your playlist. For example, take the following URL: The playlist ID is the list of letters and numbers after the "list=". In this case it would be PLk-VrueP3bcjMLv3HmJmBuPOiGCd2cdLZ. You use this ID to find your playlist and add all the track data to our database. At that point you can select the starting times for each track and the order of which they're played.

For continued help, join our Discord to talk to me or others that have had success.

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